Saturday, February 19, 2011


Lady Gaga, the the modern Icon for Freedom, Style and Music. Not only is famous for her outrageous sense of style but also for speaking her mind! I came acros this New York Times article a few days ago anf thought it was a rather interesting take on the Gaganess! Here, an excerpt:

"The tension in Gaga’s self-presentation, far from being idiosyncratic or self-contradictory, epitomizes the situation of a certain class of comfortably affluent young women today. There's a reason they love Gaga. On the one hand, they have been raised to understand themselves according to the old American dream, one that used to be beyond women’s grasp: the world is basically your oyster, and if you just believe in yourself, stay faithful to who you are, and work hard and cannily enough, you'll get the pearl. On the other hand, there is more pressure on them than ever to care about being sexually attractive according to the reigning norms. The genius of Gaga is to make it seem obvious — more so than even Madonna once did — that feminine sexuality is the perfect shucking knife." -The New York Times.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jason Wu: Lace, Leather and Paillettes

Jason Wu's Fall 2011 Collection from New York Fashion Week. He is just a genius!!!

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